Advanced Hypnosis Center’s Session Protocol
As a part of our hypnosis session protocol, prior to your hypnosis session you will be asked to answer our Confidential Questionnaires. We ask you to fill these out in advance so that you and your hypnotist can be well prepared for your first hypnotherapy session. Gathering information with our Intake Form, Making Changes and our Primary Sensory Mode Test not only helps us prepare for a productive session, but is also of great value to you. As you respond to our questions, you will have a more thorough understanding of the challenge that you have been dealing with and can begin the process of change even before your appointment.

To ensure optimal success, we take a holistic approach to helping all of our clients and ask you to be prepared to make serious changes in your lifestyle. Therefore, we will want to know, if you going through life dehydrated, deficient in sleep, deficient in exercise, deficient in vital nutrients and if you are overindulging in relaxants or stimulants that may be acting as an impediment to achieving your goals.*
Your first hypnosis session will be for one hour and 45 minutes. A reinforcement session typically lasts an hour and any additional booster sessions desired will last forty-five minutes.*
Upon your arrival, you will find a comfortable and professional office. (We provide special privacy arrangements for our celebrity clients, if requested.) You will begin your session promptly, with little or no wait time.
Prior to experiencing the profoundly relaxed state of hypnotic trance, your personal hypnotist will go over your Confidential Questionnaires with you and gather additional relevant information. This thoughtful and thorough talk with you will help your hypnotherapist discover any impediments that might have hindered you from achieving your goals in the past and living the life you really want. During this conversation your hypnotist will also explain how hypnosis works and answer any questions you may have about the whole process. At the end of the conversation your personal hypnotist will be able to use his/her extensive experience and flexibility to tailor the hypnosis to your particular personality, lifestyle and needs.
Unlike some cold, authoritarian individuals you may have interacted within the medical profession in your life, you will find our clinical hypnotists Jeffrey Rose and Dr. Ricartty Trinidad to be highly warm, compassionate people, people with whom you will feel completely comfortable and confident with.
After your conversation with our clinical hypnotists you will gently be guided into a relaxing comfortable trance, where you are more suggestible. While in this state of suggestibility, you can come out of it anytime you wish to resume regular consciousness, but you will find that you want to stay in this stress-free, peaceful state. You will consciously hear what the hypnotist is saying and can accept or reject any of the positive suggestions he or she will be making to you. With the empathetic guidance of your hypnotist you will quickly and easily make the changes you desire.
After your session, for additional support and guidance, your hypnotherapist will email to you positive affirmations, supportive self hypnosis audios and some of Jeffrey Rose’s own published health articles. In addition, as an integral supplement to your hypnosis session, Jeffrey Rose, Dr. Ricartty Trinidad and our staff will be available by phone after your session, if there are any further issues you wish to discuss.
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